In the early planning stage of any land development, accurate measurements of the site will avoid any unforeseen issues and ensure that the process runs smoothly. With land surveyors in Derby and other sections of the East Midlands, our team can conduct topographical surveys at the benefit of your development plans.
A working class city full of factories and mills, Derby in the East Midlands capitalised during the industrial era, growing massively and developing sources of revenue through the production of various materials. Throughout broader Derbyshire, 77% of the county is considered rural, primarily due to the presence of countryside areas such as the Derbyshire Dales District and the High Peak District.
More than 375 recognised open spaces cover an estimated 13% of the City of Derby. The local council unveiled plans to develop patches of land across the city, including a premium hotel, a theatre and multiuse living / working spaces. Funding comes from the government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF), expected to make around £50 million available to complete all three projects.
The local authorities have been encouraging new developments on existing greenfield land throughout Derby, but in places, it hasn’t always been accepted by the city’s inhabitants. A housing estate on a greenfield site, for example, saw complaints in regards to concerns over flooding, traffic and a lack of schools, shops and GPs surgeries, leading to a five-year delay in passing a planning application for the project.
That said, the development was undertaken with adherence to environmental enhancement and preservation, prompting vibrant green spaces to be distributed across the surrounding area of the estate. Derby City Council generally supports local developments on greenfield and brownfield land. As a result, once a suitable plot of land has been identified and purchased, the primary concern for developers may surround ensuring that their plans fall in line with the nature of the development site.
It is possible for a developer to see measurements of the site with exact accuracy by reaching out to a land surveyor for a topographical survey. At this point, the dimensions of the site will be recorded and moved across to a CAD format map image, giving the developer accurate survey data to create effective plans for the land development.
A topographical survey will start with the land surveyor conducting a prior desk study to find any existing information about the site. Including images and maps, data retrieved could benefit the assessment process. It will then be time for the land surveyor to attend the site to assess all natural and man-made features before making a note of all dimensions.
Recording the measurements of the site will be done using the latest technology, including a total station and other laser scanning equipment, GPS tools and necessary programmes such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) software. Readings of contours, elevations and cross sections taken using the laser scanning total station will be noted, and the land surveyor will then compile this information into a CAD image.
A number of formats are available based on the client’s requirements, and the image itself will be displayed as an as-built scaled survey drawing with a clear outline of the site and all present features. Using the images, the developer and their team can make plans that are produced completely accurately based on the specifications of the site.
In all of the building and land surveys we carry out, we guarantee the highest standard of service to all clients. Our land surveyors are situated all over the country, giving us scope to attend development sites for private and professional projects in Derby and other parts of the East Midlands. We also insist on all of our team possessing a universal drive for providing a top quality service and satisfying the needs of all clients.
Within our team are experienced and capable land surveyors with sufficient licensing to conduct topographical surveys from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Such a vast understanding of building and land surveys also gives us further abilities in other forms of assessment, such as measured building surveys for developing floor plans during development projects on existing buildings.
After years of offering an excellent service to clients, The Survey House has become a trusted source of land and building surveys. Whether you need a topographical survey to measure your site and plan a project or determine the boundary line for the land registry, or if you need a measured building survey as part of a property development, we encourage you to get in touch so we can determine the suitable next step.
You can speak to us over the phone or online, and based on the details of your site and project, we will send across a free quote for you to consider. If you opt to move forwards with us, we can then arrange a date to get your topographical survey started. By working in collaboration with us, you will be able to use exact measurements of your site to plan your project effectively, and if needed, we can determine if other assessments such as measured building surveys or utility surveys are necessary.
We know that you want your Topographical Survey in Derby done quickly and efficiently to avoid delays and to help your project run smoothly. Our simple process makes everything hassle free and straight forward.